Monday, May 26, 2014

LOUIS ADAMIC Stock Video アダミックのビデオ発見!!
Stock Video # 224-390-548 – Immigration / USA / 1930-1949
Stock Footage Bin: Immigration / USA / 1930-1949

*ユーゴのベストセラーとなった『帰郷』や第二次世界大戦直前に出版された『多くの国々』の本が並べられているので、おそらく1940年頃のビデオだろう。『多くの国々から』では、すでに、ユダヤ人医師の「苦境に立つ男」や、日系アメリカ人についての「日本人の顔をした若いアメリカ人」など人種的偏見、差別を描いていた。ここではそうしたことを語っている。Stock Video # 224-390-548 – Immigration / USA / 1930-1949


Dear Alice & Pasha:
                          Twice within the memory of men now living
dreams have had a force strong enough to reshape the world. At this
moment it is the dream of personal power on the part "men of destiny"
that is dominant, that  tumbles the Old World and its culture into
ruin and sends men scurrying in fear before it. This dream is a
  Only yesterday it was anoter dream, a dream which set in motion the
greatest hope. The broad Atlantic became a common highway to the Land
of Promise, where people were needed and wanted. And they came from
many lands, a little lost, a little frightened, but eager-eyed,
possesed of high belief, the belief in the possibility of function, of
self-realization, of creativenes, of growth, of human worth.
  But somewhere in the roar of our industrialism, somewhere in the
tension of our commercialism, that dream was all but lost, or confused
well-nigh beyond recognition. While at first the rich soil of the new
continent and the wealth beneath it were magic and yielded us a flashy
surface growth  and an oversupply of material power, we have never yet
flowered all-inclusively as a country and a culture.To a large degree
we are a rootless, bewildered, uncertain people. Life on a mere
economic plane, we have come to realize, has proved as impermanent, 
shallow, and sterie as the lands of the Dust Bowel, and we fume and 
blow fruitlessly in the winds of Depression. We have no deep tap roots
in a cultural past to give us continuity, stability.
  Now here we are, in this fateful year of 1940, still a groping 
people, splahed by the backwash of events in the Old World, our
thoughts and actions touched by hysteria; the strands of our
complicated ethnic past not yet interlaced into anything that gives
pattern and texture to our life as individuals and as a people. Here
and there the stuff in the "Melting Pot" has melted the pot. We eye
one anothe uneasily. We are on the defensive against ourselves. Here
is a danger of our own-perhaps unavoidable-making.
  In the lands whence we come or stem civilization crashes into ruin,
and, watching from our ringside seats, we are appalled. But to be
appalled is no answer to anything. Within our American borders are
tens of millions of people who carry within them, whether they know it
or not, many of the things we bemoan losing-many of the things that
were lost in Europe long before the Second World War began-began, in
part, because they were lost in Europe.
  We need lose them. They were brought here by the waves of
immigration. They are still here. We need to cease eyeing one another
uneasily and take a positive approach to meeting on common ground. We
need to take stock of our resources, embark upon self-discovery,
self-apparaisal and self-criticism, and come into our rich and varied
cultural heritage of democracy and the arts, of courageous and co-
operative living.
  A wareness is the first step in making these firmly our own. We 
shall need them. Before us is the necessity of a tremendous effort. If
we do not exert ourselves now, the old dream that brought us here is
apt to be swallowed by the furious nightmare of the Old World.
  Is it too late to recapture the magic of that dream? Many people of
the second and third and later generations, to whom America is a
platitude, have never glimpsed its power. They are the majority of the
youth of today. What if we could receiveit, lift to bewildered and
cynical eyes the vision of new frontiers, rich in culture and spirit,
wide and deep as the best in man-an America with a sweep to which a
continent's breadth is narrow-a democracy not only of political
inheritance but of the heart and the handelasp?
  You and I and some of our friends have talked of this for a numbers 
of years, especially since 1938, when I first began the task of which
this book is one of the early tangible results. We thought then, in
'38 and '39. it was not too late. You were always interested in this
job of mine, and more helpful with friendliness and encouragement than
you are aware. So I want From many Lands to be your book.
  My purpose, as you know, is to begin exploring our American culture
past and to urge the cultivation of its many common fields, not 
nostalgically, or historically or acadmically, but imaginatively and
creatively, with eyes to the future, until as a people we find and 
dare to sinjk our roots into our common American subsoil, rich, sun-
warmed and well watered, from which we still many grow and flower. The
failure of America to harness the dreams and motives of its past to
the processes of its life is one of the greatest wastes of human
resources this age has known. For there was power there, power to make
miracles commonplace. Into no other country, ever, was so much of the
best of human yearning poured.
  It is still not too late. On the contrary, this is our moment. Now
we can do things. This period is in a way a testing time for us. an
oppotunity. Now, in crisis and tention, the situation and its problems
in which we are interested will be clearer than ever before. Our
national weakness will become obvious and we will want to remove them.
Our awareness will be intensified, our emotional quality heightened.
As a people, we will be eager for orientation-for integration and
unity under the sway of an affirmative concept of liberty.
  We will realized that democracy even as we have it in  the United
States is far, far from what it should and could be; that the evil
that seems to have engulfed Europe is not so much the creation of
those who belive in lies and slavery as of those who believing in
truth and liberty do not practice their beliefs, either not at all or
with insufficient consistency, intelligence, passion and energy. We-
many of us-will want to correct this fault in ourselves and others,
and become geared to the real movtives and propulsions of our country
-the same motives and propulsions, essentially, that were behind the
successive waves of our immigration. 
  Here in America,if anywhere, man can achive an all-dimentional
quality: strong eich, and secure in his appreciations, sane in his
valures, intelligent in his knowledge, firm in his morality, just and
generous in his freedom, cool and the enduring hunger and the epic
reach of his spirit.
  There are not the exact words of talks during the past few years,
but they are their substance, which I wanted to put into this book. If
we are right, and I belive we are, America is just beginning.



Milford, New Jersey
August 1, 1940

Louis Adamic


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