Friday, October 02, 2009

Franci Slak, Slovenian Film Director

Franci Slak, a film and television director, passed away yesterday, at 55. He took leave just before finishing his latest feature film. His most impressive work was television series about our grea..

Franci Slak氏はスロヴェニア共和国出身の映画監督・TVディレクター。
を初めて映画化した監督で数々の名誉ある賞を受賞した。 合掌。

2005年 3月 20日

Dear Mr.Shozo Tahara
I would like to express my deep admiration on your efforts to make Louis Adamic's extraordinary work popular in Japan and beyond.
I visited your web page as I'm a great admire od his work. As a film director by profession I'm also trying already for several years to develop a film project on Adamic's life.
I would like to help finding a support for excellent translation work-maybe through Slovenian cultural ministry or some other institutions.Please let me know whether you have been already in contact with some of such institutions or individuals so we can strenght our efforts.
As a Fullbright fellow in 19993/94 I've met mr.Christian in Philadelphia but then we werent in contact for the rest of his life.Next year I will try to find a possibility to visit USA again and work on further research for a documentary film.
I will be more than happy if we stay touch.
Best Regards
SLAK Ljubljana-Slovenia


電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」

●TOP「Louis Adamic in Japan」 スポンサーバナー広告募集
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●「電子書籍ebook (ebook_global) on Twitter」

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