20世紀 移民のアメリカとJ・B・チトーのユーゴスラヴィアを代表する著名な作家、改革者、そしてスポークスマンでもあるルイス・アダミックは、1930年代初頭からその死の1951年まで、文化的、政治的に重要な人物でした。1969年末から70年代にかけて、アダミックは、アメリカにおいて、エスニック・リバイバルの主要な先駆者として、また、ユーゴスラヴィアにおいては、新連邦共和国を代表する海外からの強力な唱道者として、熱烈な歓迎を受けました。そして、歿後30周年を記念して、米国とユーゴ両国で国際会議・シンポジウムが開かれ、また、ユーゴ崩壊後も、生誕百周年を記念して、祖国スロヴェニアで歴史・文化面において貢献した重要な人物として高い評価を受け、それによって「記念切手」となり、さらに新しい発見、研究が続けられています。
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 5, Louis Adamic
On the way back to the pier, going down a steep stair-
street, we came upon a tall, splendidly proportioned girl,
dark-haired and blue-eyed, clad in an agreeably colorful
medley of several south-Dalmatian costumes, among which
the local Ragusan dress predominated. On her head she
balanced a great basket of something or other; perhaps of
wash for one of the modern houses above the old town.
The basket seemed a part of her. She walked and swaved
from her hips. Her arms were bare and firm. One of them
she held akimbo. In the other hand she carried a bunch of
goldern-rain blossoms. She slowed her pace to look at us;
possibly Stella'American dress interested her.
I said, "Dobar dan!(Good day!)"
"Dobar dan!" she returned, smiled--again one of those smiles
to which words cannot do justice--and stopped. Are you nashki?
(of our nationality?)"
"I was born in Slovenia," I said, "but went to America
as a young boy. My wife is American."
"So!" said the girl, eagerly. "An uncle of mine is in America.
He is a fisherman in Louisiana, where the great river Mees-sees
-seep-pee," she syllabicated, "falls into the ocean." She smiled
all the while.
"She is beautiful," said Stella. "What a body!"
I translated, "My wife says you are beautiful and you have
a fine body."
The girl's smile widened and deepened, and her and neck colored.
"Hvala liepa!" she said. "Please tell your American wife that
she is beautiful."
I told Stella what the girl had said. Then from the bunch
she carried the girl handed her several twigs of golden-rain
and, without saying anything, went on up the stairs.
I had a sudden feeling that I would like Yugoslavia,
her people; that, perhalps, even my visit home would be more
a pleasure than an ordeal.
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 2, Louis Adamic
Copyright(c) Shouzou Tahara
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 5, Louis Adamic
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Tuesday, June 05, 2007
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 4, Louis Adamic
"Such faces!" exclaimed Stella every minutes. "Even the homely ones are beautiful, they're so healthy and brown."
In Dubrovnik--unlike in Lisbon, Gibraltar, Naples, and Palermo,--no one forced hmself upon us to sell us sometthing. Here no guides were offering their services; there were no shifty-eyed peddlers of obscene phoyographs. In the little bazaars, where business evidently was poor, the men and women in charge of the stores seemingly did not care whether the passers-by stopped to look at and buy their handmade peasant embroidery, jewelry, and earthenware or not. They talked and laughed among themselves, or sat still and dozed inthe warm sun.
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 2, Louis Adamic
Copyright(c) Shouzou Tahara
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 5, Louis Adamic
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Sunday, May 27, 2007
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 3, Louis Adamic
Our ship stopped for a few hours each at Lisbon, Gibraltar, Cannes, Naples, and Palermo. Save in Cannes, everywhere, on getting ashore, we were mobbed by ragged youngsters, crying, "Gimme! Gimme!" and making signs that they were famished and wanted to eat. In the streets (especially in Lisbon) women with children in their arms approached us and made signs that their babies were hungry. Most of these, no doubt, were professionals, dressed and trained for begging; but even so it was depressing.
"In Yugoslavia it may be even worse," I said.
On the morning of May 13th we began to sail along the coast of Yugoslavia. We passed tiny islands and bright little towns along the shore line, and gradually I began to feel better. I scarcely know why. Perhaps because the hills as ashore looked so much like the hills from San Pedro to San Diego in southern California where I lived for years. Perhaps also because the Adriatic Sea, with the sun on it, was even bluer, lovelier than the Mediterranean.
But even so, I was hardly prepared for Dubrovnik, or Ragusa. From the ship, as we approached it, it appeared unreal. "Like a stage set for a play," Stella remarked. And another American, learning next to her on the rail, said, "Once expects a bunch of actors to appear out there at any moment and begin to sing, 'We are the merry villagers. ...'"
The boat stopped for three hours and we went ashore. Here we were not mobbed by beggars. Some of the young boys on the pier were almost as ragged as those in Lisbon and in Palermo, but they looked anything but starved or sick. Their grins reached from ear to ear. Their faces were brown. Locks of straggly dark hair hung over their blue eyes.
To one of the ragamuffins Stella offered a coin. He looked at her, startled. "Zashto? (What for?)" he asked. I explained to the youngster in Croatian (which, to my surprise, I suddenly began to speak with very little difficulty) that my wife wanted to make him a present of the coin. He scowled: "Havala liepa! (Thank you!) No alms!" Then, as if something just occurred to him his sun-tanned young features lit up. "If you and the lady wish to be friendly and generous," he grinned, "please offer me an American cigarette if you have one and see if I'll take it."
He got several cigarettes; then his mouth and eyes - his whole face - broke into a smile that I cannot describe. "Hvala liepa!" he shouted, and dashed off. Several other boys, all shouting, followed him.
I felt grand. "My people!" I said to myself. " 'No alms!' " I could have run after the urchin and hugged him.
"My people!" I said, aloud.
Stella laughed. We both laughed.
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 2, Louis Adamic
Copyright(c) Shouzou Tahara
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 2, Louis Adamic
Copyright(c) Shouzou Tahara
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 5, Louis Adamic
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Sunday, May 20, 2007
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 2, Louis Adamic
Now, because of my Guggenheim Fellowship, we were going to Europe.
One day eary in April, Stella said, "We'll visit your folks in
Carniola, of course." She evidently thought that would be the
natural thing to do.
"Of course," I said."Of course," I repeated inaudibly to myself,
then added aloud, "Just a shortvisit, though-for an afternoon,
She said, "I suddenly realized that you told me you have people
over there-in Carniola (I like the sound of the name)-and now I'm
curious about them-what they're like."
"So am I," I said, though actually, I think, I wasn't; not in any
deep, vital sense, at any rate.
None the less, I wrote to my family in the old country that my
wife, who was an American and spoke no Slovenian, and I should, in
aa probability, visit them on Sunday afternoon. May 15th. The ship
that we decided to sail on was scheduled to arrive in Trieste on the
14th, and I figured that we might as well get the visit over with
the first thing; then we should immediately find a place in the
mountains somewhere in Italy or Austria and I should begin to work
on my new book dealing with America.
Three weeks later, in mid-Atlantic, I said to Stella, "I'm a bit scared of this home."
"I thought something was bothering you," she said. "Why?"
"Well," I began to explain, "although" in a way it seems like the day before yesterday, it's a long time since I felt home. I was very young and I think I've changed a great deal-fundamentally-since then. All my emotional and intellectual life now seems to be rooted in America. I belong in America. My old country, somehow, is a million miles away-on another planet-and my old country includes my people."
Stella listened sympathetically.
"Of course," I went on, "I remember my parents as they were before left home, but now my memory of them is seriously blurred by the idea which abruptly intrudes itself upon my mind, that in these nineteen years, which have been a drastic, turbulent period for everybody in Europe, they, too, must have changed-not merely grown older, but changed, probably, in their characters. This adds to the distance between them and me.
"I have four brothers and five sisters in Carniola. Seven of them were already in the world nineteen years ago. Of the two born since then, I have, of course, no notion, except that their names are Yozhe and Anica, and their ages seventeen and fifteen, respectively. The other seven I remember but dimly as they were in 1913. I was the oldest (three children before me had died). My oldest sister, Tonchka, was thirteen. My oldest brother, Stan, was ten. My youngest brother, France, was a little over a year. Now he is nearly twenty-one. Tonchka is thirty-two, married, and has two children. Stan is twenty-nine. Another sister, Mimi, was four when I left. Now she is twenty-three, a nun in a hospital, and her name is Manuela. Why she became a nun is more than I know. Then there is my brother Ante and my sister Paula and Poldaka-barely more than names to me. In fact, I have to strain my memory to tell you their names. And now I'm going to visit them because that, somehow, seems the proper thing to do."
"It'll probably be very interesting," said Stella.
"Probably very awkward," said I. "During the last fifteen years my contact with home has been exceedingly thin. For two years after America's entry into the war I could not write to my people because I was in the American army and they were in Austria. We were 'enemies.' For two or three years after the war my circumstances were nothing to write about to anybody; so I didn't. In the last eight or nine years after the war I wrote home, as a rule, once in six months-a card or a short note, to the effect that I was well and hoped they were all well, too. I could not write much more. For one thing, I could not begin to tell them about America and myself; how I felt about America, what a wonderful and terrible place it was, how it fascinated and thrilled me. They might misunderstand something; something I'd say might disturb them; then I'd have to explain, and so on; there would be no end to writing-to what purpose? At the end they would really know nothing or very little about America or me. One has to live in the United States a long time to even begin to know it. Besides, if I got them interested in America, some of my brothers and sisters might want to come over --and I did not want that. I had troubles enough of my own. And they were possibly as well off in Carniola as they would be in America …. Another thing : of late years I could express only the most ordinary things n my native tongue. I could not write in Slovenian of involved matters, such as my life in America.
"At home, of course, they did not understand me, what I was up to in America, why I wrote so little ; and they, with their peasant patience and pride (which, as I recall, does not break down even before members of their own family) -they, in turn, asked me for no explanations, and their letters to me were almost as brief as mine to them. They-mother or one of my sisters or brothers-usually answered that they were well, too, thank you. Occasionally they added some such information at that Tonchka had married or had had a child, or that Stan or Ante had had to go into military services, or that Mimi had become a nun-bare facts, nothing else.
"So I don't know what I'll find. I have no idea how they stand economically. When I felt for America my father was a well-to-do peasant in the village. Now, if one is to believe American newspapers, all of Europe is in a bad way and I don't know what's happened to my people lately. Then, too, you must remember that I'm coming from America, and when one returns from America one is supposed to bring with him a pot of money and help those who have stayed at home-while all I have is a Guggenheim Fellowship, barely enough to keep you and me in Europe for a year!"
Stella was optimistic. "Chances are it won't be bad as you think. Perhaps your people are as scared of you, what America has done to you, and the kind of girl you married, as you are of them and what the nineteen years have done to them."
"Maybe," I said. I felt a little better, not much, and not for long.
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 2, Louis Adamic
Copyright(c) Shouzou Tahara
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 5, Louis Adamic
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Time Flow by KAJETAN KOVIC of Slovenian Poet
Days flash by
As on a film strip,
At abnormal speed,
So that your speech
Hardly catches up with
Its quick sequences:
Morning, noon, night,
Morning, noon, night,
All the images are connected by
Verbs of motion,
As if you were looking out of the window
Of an express train
At the fleeting landscape,
Where flocks,
Barely visible in the distance,
Pass inexorably
Into oblivion.
Boats have been drifting with the stream
For a long time now,
And the ships
That once anchored
Now turn outward
Away from the coast,
Into the open sea,
Under grey stars,
Towards the last horizon.
Shadows linger on deck,
The voiceless crew,
The passengers with baggage,
Without property,
Without dowry,
So that in the dark water of the ocean
They may feed the fish.
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Sunday, March 25, 2007
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 1, Louis Adamic

Odyssey of an Immigrant American, Louis Adamic
After Nineteen Years (1)
-Home Again from America-
Early IN THE SPRING OF 1932, WHEN I RECEIVED A Guggenheim Fellowship requiring me to go to Europe for a year, I was thirty-three and had been in the United States nineteen years. A fourteen-a son of peasants, with a touch of formal "city education"-I had emigrated to the United States from Carniola, then a tiny Slovene province of Austria, now an even tinier part of a banovina in the new Yugoslav state.
In those nineteen years I had become an American; indeed, I had often thought I was more American than were ceaselessly, almost fanatically, interested in the American scene; in idea and forces operating in America's national life, in movements, tendencies and personalities, in technical advances, in social, economic, and political problems, and generally in the tremendous drama of the New World.
Events and things outside of America interested me but incidentally: only in so far as they were related to, or as they affected, the United States. I spoke, wrote, and read only in English. For sixteen years I had had practically no close contact with immigrants of my native nationality. After the war I had roamed over a good half of the United States and had been to Hawaii, Philippines, Central and South America. In the last few years I had become an American writer, writing on American subjects for American readers. And I had married an American girl.
To Stella I had told but a few main facts about my childhood and early boyhood in the old country; and what little I had told her of my parents, and village and house in which I was born, had seemed to her "like a story. "She scarcely believed me. To her I was an American from toes to scalp.
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 2, Louis Adamic
Copyright(c) Shouzou Tahara
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 5, Louis Adamic
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Monday, March 19, 2007
Louis Adamic by my friend Tine Kurent - S Tahara(Japan)

Louis Adamic (1898-1951)
One hundred years ago,on 23 March 1898,a third child was born to peasant parents at Praproce Castle near Grosuplje of Slovenia.Lojz received his education in Grosuplje and Ljubljana.It was a time of student demostrations.The Austrian army shot Rudolf Lunder and Ivan Adamic,his relative.When Lojz was expelled from school at the age of fifteen,he emigrated to the United States of America.He started as a worker at the newspaper Glas naroda(The Voice of People) and soon rose to be a reporter.He spent World War I as a volunteer in the American army in Europe.After the war he traveled around the United States of America and the Far East.He attracted a lot of public attention with his book Dynamite(1931) which is still considered to be a textbook of the class fights in the USA.The next year he published the book Laughing in the Jungle and was a awarded a Guggenheim prize for it.Thus Louis Adamic won recognition in the USA as a writer,editor,translator and a versatile politically engaged and publicly active person.His work,writing about the problems of the time in America and in Slovenia, and particularly his support of the Yugoslav partisan movement brought him many new friends and dangerous opponents.
He returned to his old homeland twice.In 1932 Adamic became acquainted with the writers and progressive movement in Slovenia and proceeded against King Alexander's dictatorial regime with his book The Native's Return.The book was prohibited in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia immediately after its publication in 1934.During World WarⅡhe interceded as the honorary president of the Slovene-American National council(SANS) with the American administration and President Roosevelt for the Slovene National Liberation Struggle.After the war in 1949,he visited his homeland again.This time to find out more about the reality of the new Socialist republic of Yugoslavia.The fruit of his research work was a book The Eagle and Roots. It was because of this book that he was most likely shot by his enemies on 4 September 1951.The book was published in the USA posthumously in 1952.In the Slovene language,the book entitled Ore in korenine in the Slovene translation appeared only in 1970,eighteen years after the publication of the English original.Adamic's objective writing did not suit purposes of authority expecting praises.
His work has been translated into several other languages.The centenary of his birth will be commemorated by the publication of three Adamic's books in the Japanese languages.Laughing in the Jungle,Lucas King of balucas and Struggle(1935).The French translation of Laughing in the Jungle(Le rire dans la jungle) is still waiting for a publisher.
By Dr.Tine Kurent
From Prof.Tine Kurent
October 15,1999
Dear Shozo, thank you for the information that you are preparing a party in honor of your translations-with the Commemoration of the Centenary of Birth of Louis Adamic at the beginning of November.
Louis Adamic was born one century ago in Slovenia. As a young boy, he emigrated to the USA. He started as a worker and rose to be an internationally known Slovenian immigrant writer who had popularized the concept of America as a Nation of Nations, which led the way to the official Congressional definition of America as a pluralistic society, in 1972.Before that, the America elite, known as WASP, that is White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, regarded immigrants from other countries of Europe and Asia as second class citizens. The theory of America as a "Melting Pot" was intended to "Americanize" only the white newcomers but not the colored, native Indians, Afro-Americans, Mexicans, immigrants from Asia, China, Phillippines and Japan. Adamic knew the oppression, germanization and italianization in his native country and opposed with his writing the social injustice, ethnic tensions and racial discrimination in the USA.
The Harvard Encyclopedia of America Ethnic Groups stars its Introduction with the statement that
"During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Louis Adamic, a popular writer and journalist, conceived of a project that he believed 'would excite all America about herself.' A' great Encyclopedia of the Population of the United States, from the Indians down to the latest immigrant group, 'would demonstrate 'in as great detail as possible, of what sort of human stuff America is made.' Such work, he wrote, 'might very well revolutionize American writing and affect all thinking about the United States. 'It' would be invaluable to thousands of...school principals and teachers...and librarians and social workers. In would appeal not only to New Americans and their immigrant parents...but to America as a whole'(My America,1938).
"Adamic himself had emigrated from Slovenia (then a province of Austro-Hungary, later part of Yugoslavia, now the sovereign state Republic of Slovenia) at the age of fourteen, and throughout his life displayed intense interest in the origins of the American people. But, unfortunately, he could not raise the funds he needed from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and had to give up the idea of the encyclopedia.
"Forty years later, this project was well under way when the editors saw a copy of the Adamic proposal. We were intrigued by what Adamic had wanted to undertake. He had envisaged a work of five to twenty-five volumes, a huge budget, and a staff of hundreds. The enterprise of which this volume is a product was modest in comparison. However, it processed on the basis of the article of faith with which he concluded:' But eventually, I think, this job will have to be done-somehow.'
Dear Shozo, you are continuing the work envisaged by Adamic. You have been the first in Japan to understand the work envisaged by Adamic. With your translations, notably his The Native's Return, From Many Lands, A Young American with a Japanese Face-to name but a few-you are introducing Adamic, his ideas and his native Slovenia to the Japanese readers.
Good luck!
Shouzou Tahara
from Japan
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Monday, March 05, 2007
「Best Ethnic Literature by Louis damic」 07/02/25
「The Epic of Kossovo - コソヴォの叙事詩」 07/02/12
(Kossovo コソボの叙事詩 翻訳 ユーゴスラヴィア 旅行記 セルビア)
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「S Nearing's "Black America" and Luther King's "I have a dream"」 07/01/24
「トランス型脂肪酸を含まないイーガーオリーブオイルは食育、食の安全、健康 が使命です!」
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「SLOVENIA-Best Beautiful Place for travelers in the World...」 07/01/23
(Bred Lake, Louis Adamic, slovenia, tourist)
「電子ブック-国際人権作家による独裁政権下の古典「苦闘STRUGGLE」 07/01/20
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「移民の帰郷物語-故国スロヴェニアに帰りて」 06/12/13
「南スラブ人のハーツ・アンド・マインド物語を読む」 06/12/11
「American Immigrant Literature-世界の移民文学の傑作を読む」 06/12/08
「拝金主義時代に学ぶスラブ農民の豊かな「心の文化」 」 06/12/07
「Japanese American and Two Homelands-日系アメリカ人と二つの祖国」 06/12/07
「Ebook-Best Seller in USA by Immigrant Author」 06/11/26
「You've Got A Friend by Ofra Haza - Japanese version...」 06/11/22
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara http://immigrantebook.blogspot.com/
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
●TOP「Louis Adamic in Japan」 スポンサーバナー広告募集
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Sunday, February 25, 2007
Best Ethnic Literature by Louis damic
Lucas, king of The Balucas by Louis Adamic
(Los Angeles: Arthur Whipple,1935.Limited to 350 copies. Wood Engravings by Elizabeth Whipple The front inside fold of a dust wrapper for the book described Adamic' s work as "The story of a Curious Monarch" and gave the price of the volume as $1.00.)
Publication & Translation:
1 Phlipine Interlude (March,1930) Plain Talk
2 Kral Lukas (1931-32) by Translation: Grisa Koritnik Modra ptica
3 Philippinsches Zwischenspiel (June,1932) by Trans: L.Mattersburger Der Wiener
4 Lucas, King of the Balucas (March,1935) Arthur Whipple
5 Lucas, Kral Balukov (1986) Trans:Tine Kurent, illustrated by Marijan Amalietti
6 『バルーカス族の王、ルーカス』訳 田原正三 Trans:Shouzou Tahara,Preface:Dr.Tine Kurent, Introduction: Dr.Henry A christian.
I radioed Weber, and he met me at the dock.
"To meet you here today," he said, grinning, "it's been necessary for me let a kingdom starve."
I said I didn't understand.
He smiled again. "I'll take you to a quiet place where we can talk.
-- Lucas, king of The Balucas
Half a century ago, Louis Adamic, an American writer of Slovenian origin, published his story about King Lucas. After Adamic's demobilization at the end of the First World War--he was an American soldier--he "wandered over the world -- the whole of America, Mexico -- Hawaii, the Philippines, and the Far East … looking for himself," -- as he later informed his sister Toncka back home in Slovenia. It was at that time the Conradesque story about the black natives and the white newcomers was written, but beneath the exotic aura of Pacific Islands there can be felt ideas that could have been written by "Tomlinson, McFee, W.H. Hudson, Cabell, Mencken." So they are listed by Adamic himself as the favorite writers of his friend. In Weber, his "alter ego", Adamic painted his own psychological and physical portrait.
The story about King Lucas can be read on various levels and is still timely, because the relations between the hungry South and the rich North are becoming more strained every day. The insufficiency and futility of the charity offered by the Developed Nations to the lagging Third World is more and more evident.
Tine Kurent in Slovene translation Louis Adamic, "Lucas. Lralj Balukov" (Ljubljana: Presernova druzba,1986), p.16.and illusrated by Marijan Amalietti.
… Certainly the role of the United States in 1930 in the Philippines is implicit in the story. … Yet what threatens Lucas as much as colonial neglect is not the white man but the localized trials of age, ignorance, famine, hypocrisy, politics, other Negrito tribes, and a bias perhaps initiated by troops who are as black as he. …. In 1931, Adamic met the black scholar Abram Lincoln Harris. Co-author with Sterling Spero of Black Worker; The Negro and the Labor Movement, Harris later wrote The Negro as Capitalist (1937) and taught economics at Howard University in Washington, D. C. For the little book version of the Lucas story in 1935, Adamic decided the dedication page should read 'To Abram Harris'(p.[3]).
『バルーカス族の王 ルーカス』 本邦初訳 ebook
著者 ルイス・アダミック
翻訳 田原正三
「本文」バルーカス族の王 ルーカス
*ティネ・クレント氏はスロヴェニア語版『バルーカスの王 ルーカス』Lucas,Kralj Balukov (Ljubljana:Presernovadruzba,1986)の翻訳者。カルデリ大学教授、国際的な建築家であり、ルイス・アダミックの甥でもある。詳しくは F.Hodgson's Whois Who in Science in Europe.
原書 Lucas,King of the Balucas, by Louis Adamic
Los Angeles:Arthur Whipple,1935.Limited to 350 copies.
Best Ethnic Literature by Louis damic
Copyright(c) Shouzou Tahara
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Monday, February 12, 2007
The Epic of Kossovo - コソヴォの叙事詩 翻訳
Translation: Shouzou Tahara
ねえ、あたしの美しい白い顔さん もし、あなた
ば あたしはみどりの森へ行き たくさんのよも
ぎをかき集め 苦汁をたっぷり搾りとり それで
あなたを洗ってあげる ねえ、あたしの美しい白
い顔さん あなたへの口づけは苦くてってできな
いはずよ でも、あなたが若い男の人に捧げられ
れば ねえ、あたしの美しい白い顔さん あたし
は明るい花園に入って 薔薇という薔薇をぜーん
ぶ摘みとって それで夜も昼もあなたを洗ってあ
げる あなたの愛しい口づけは その方にやさし
く染みこんで 幸せな気分になれるでしょう!
(既刊 日本図書館協会選定図書&全国学校図書館選定図書 PMC社1990年)
The Native's Return 1934 Louis Adamic
翻訳 田原正三
The Epic of Kossovo - コソヴォの叙事詩 翻訳
Copyright(c) Shouzou Tahara
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Sunday, February 11, 2007
G ブッシュとイラン攻撃、戦争リサイクルビジネス
しかし最近、きな臭い動きが伝えられている。国際問題評論家 北沢洋子の「世界の底流」によれば、「ブッシュ大統領が、国連安保理の制裁決議をエスカレートさせて、米英単独でイラン攻撃を開始するのではないか、という推測記事が、このところ盛んに報じられている」というのである。それは、来る5月に首相の座を降りることになった「ブレアが首相のうちにこのようなEU諸国に不人気な戦争を開始するとしたら」「イラン攻撃の日程は4月になると報じている」と『アラブ・タイムズ』。」
「世界における多様性の統一」 ルイス・アダミック
4/15日 /2003
Olbermann on Bush Iraq Escalation.
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara http://immigrantebook.blogspot.com/ An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Sunday, February 04, 2007
Dictatorship and Human Rights-独裁政権に抗議署名する全米の著名な作家・ジャーナリストら

『苦闘』 Struggle,1935.
スロヴェニア語版 エドヴァルド・カルデリ(旧ユーゴ副大統領)他
英語版 ルイス・アダミック(作家・ジャーナリスト・国際政治犯人権擁護委員会準委員)
日本語版 田原 正三
以下の抗議文は、一九三三年十一月二四日、ニューヨーク市五番街七○、四一二号室、国際政治犯人権擁護委員会議長 ロジャー・N・ボールドウィンによって組織された米知識人特別委員会が、(本書ブックレットに含まれている資料に基づき)、ワシントン駐在ユーゴスラヴィア大使レオニド・ピタミッチ博士宛、送付したものである。
駐米ユーゴスラヴィア大使 レオニド・ピタミッチ博士 殿
私たちは、自国の刑務所の環境が非難すべき事態であったり、他国と同様、政治犯に対する虐待が行なわれていることに気付いた場合は、即座に告発します。それにしても近年、私たちの許に届いたあらゆる報告のうちで、ユーゴからのものは極めて野蛮かつ残酷な類のものです。 敬具
国際政治犯人権委員会代表 ロジャー・N・ボードウィン
ウィリアム・アレン・ホワイト 作家・「ガセット」誌(カンザス)エンプロリア編集・発行人/セオドア・ドライサー 小説家・詩人・劇作家ニューヨーク在/アーサー・フィールド・ヘイズ 作家・弁護士・ニューヨーク在/オズワルド・ガリソン・ヴィラード 編集者・作家・ニューヨーク在/メアリー・オースティン 作家・ニューメキシコ在/シャーウッド・アンダスン 小説家・詩人・ニューヨーク在/ジョン・ドス・パソス 小説家・劇作家・ニューヨーク在/ノーマン・トマス 作家・政治家・市民運動家・ニューヨーク在/ハリー・エルマー・バーンズ 歴史家・国際法学者・ニューヨーク在/W・E・ウッドワード 小説家・伝記作家・ニューヨーク在/バートン・ラスコー 作家・批評家・ニューヨーク在/アーネスト・ボイド 作家・批評家・編集者・ニューヨーク在/キリー・クライトン 作家・編集者・ニューヨーク在/エドマンド・ウィルソン 作家・編集者・ニューヨーク在/アプトン・シンクレア 小説家その他・ロサンゼルス在/ブルース・ブリベン 作家・編集者ニューヨーク在/ジョージ・ソウレ 作家・編集者・ニューヨーク在/ルイス・B・ボウディン 作家・歴史家・弁護士・ニューヨーク在/ベンジャミン・ストルバーグ 作家・批評家・ニューヨーク在/パクストン・ヒベン女史 作家・ユーゴスラヴィア故ペータル王の親友の寡婦/ジョン・ハインズ・ホームズ 牧師・国際法学者・市民運動家・ニューヨーク在/アースキン・コールドウェル 小説家・メイン州在/ホレース・グレゴリー 詩人・批評家・ニューヨーク在/グレース・ランプキン 小説家・ニューヨーク在/クリフトン・ファディマン 批評家・編集者・ニューヨーク在/リチャード・L・サイモン 出版人・ニューヨーク在/リンカン・シュルター 出版人・ニューヨーク在/エリオット・ホワイト 牧師・ニュージャージー在/レノール・G・マーシャル 編集者・ニューヨーク在/カールトン・バール 著述家・ニューヨーク在/ニュートン・アービン 批評家・教授・マサチューセッツ州ノザンプトン在/ジョージ・レイトン 作家・編集者・ニューヨーク在/ケアリー・マックウィリアムズ 作家・批評家・弁護士・ロサンゼルス在/V・F・カルバートン 作家・編集者・批評家・ニューヨーク在/アルフレッド・M・ビンガム 編集者・ニューヨーク在/ジェームズ・ウォルトン・ジョンソン作家・詩人・コネチカット在/マーガレット・リーズ ソーシャル・ワーカー・ニューヨーク在/ネメス・アンダースン 社会学者・コロンビア大学/ エドワード・J・アレン 経済学者・コロンビア大学/フローレンス・L・ボリッチ 図書館員・セツロウジュニア大学/ジョン・M・ブレスター 教授・セツロウジュニア大学/ポール・C・クリフォード 教授・セツロウジュニア大学/マチュー・N・チャペル教授・セツロウジュニア大学 (すべて委任済み)
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Thursday, February 01, 2007
Japanese American and Louis Adamic - 少数民族の人権擁護
1942年1月19日。L・アダミック夫妻、ルーズベルト大統領夫妻からホワイトハウスでの晩餐の招待を受け、チャーチル首相らと会談。そこで戦時下の人種的偏見の苦境に立たされていた日系アメリカ人、ユダヤ人その他少数民族の人権擁護を訴える。しかしその訴えもむなしく翌年、日系アメリカ人12万は強制収容所に送られることになる。今年はその博物館が完成する。 一方、祖国は「今、鉄ノ暴風ガ吹キ荒レ...」と、小国スロヴェニア(旧ユーゴ)在の弟から「緊急ノ援助ヲ求メル」電報が発信されるが、兄の元に届いたのはその半年後であった。しかしアダミックは全米の「南スラブ系米人統一委員会」、「スロヴェニア系米人国民会議」を自ら組織し、その代表議長として祖国の民族解放のたたかいに運命を共にしてゆく。
以上は何年か前にLouis Adamic in Japanに載せたものです。
In August 20, '42 A young man in Slovenia wrote a letter to his brother in the United States.The various notations on the back of the sheet indicate that it somehow got out of Yugoslavia to Egypt, thence to London, thence to America, wher it was delivered on June 19, '43. It reads:
For an endless time we have not had any word of you or your wife.Now and then on the radio we hear words spoken in America which stir hope but give no assurance.
Mother and all the brothers and sisters are still living today.Of our relatives many are already lost.
Suffering is extreme.The storm with metal hail rages on.Losses are enormous for our small nation. We ask for urgent help,or it will be too late.
All of us send you,your wife and all your friends in America our greetings.
……………My Native Land 1943 by Louis Adamic
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara http://immigrantebook.blogspot.com/
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Wednesday, January 24, 2007
S Nearing's "Black America" and Luther King's "I have a dream"
Scott Nearing's "Black America" 1929 and Luther King's "I have a dream" 1969
Black America by Scott Nearing
『ブラック・アメリカ』スコット・ニアリング著/高橋徹訳 40年後に評価される。
れんが書房新社 1984年
Black America by Scott Nearing 1929
Translation by Tohoru Takahasi
世界中でアメリカほど自由だの自決だのと抽象的議論にふけっている国はあるまい。一七七六年七月四日、アメリカ共和国の建国の志士たちは「すべての人は平等に生まれたり」と宣言したし、エイブラム・リンカーンは「人民の人民による人民のための政治」と約束した。そして、アメリカの学童らも「自由の楽天地よ これぞ わが祖国!」と歌っている。もしもこういう宣言や公約などが自由、あるいは自決を与えることができるとすれば、アメリカこそ自由の国であるはずである。
合衆国の経済的関心はラテン・アメリカに浸透しつつあり、しかも合衆国の政治的、軍事的支配は急速にカリブ人の上にのびつつある。合衆国の政治家たち -- たとえば一九二七年から二八年のハバナ会議におけるヒューズやクーリッジ -- はラテン・アメリカの人びとに対して「諸君は慈悲深きアンクル・サムを恐れる必要はない」と得心させている。果たして、ラテン・アメリカ人民はこのような声明を信じてよいだろうか。
帝国主義のために働き、戦い、そして代償をはらっているアメリカや、ヨーロッパ、アジア、アフリカの大衆 -- 白人、黄色人種、黒人 -- は、合衆国の所有階級の気質の一例として、また、アメリカン・ホワイトの搾取的活動を有利にしている被搾取階級の土地や労働に対する帝国主義的政策の一例として、『ブラック・アメリカ』から好資料を得るであろう。
Presented by Shouzou Tahara
Robert Franklin Williams
African-American Civil Rights Movement
NAACP-National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
"Black America" and Luther King's "I have a dream"
("Black America" and Luther King's "I have a dream")
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara http://immigrantebook.blogspot.com/ An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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トランス型脂肪酸を含まないイーガーオリーブオイルは食育、食の安全、健康 が使命です!
イーガー博士のオリーブオイルの本 『子どもを守る!オリーブオイルの伝道師 ようこそイーガーさん』
柄長葉之輔(えなが ようのすけ)著
発行者 たる出版株式会社 定価 1575円
「食育」を提唱される 服部栄養専門学校校長・医学博士 服部幸應先生 推薦
スターバックス、米国店舗でトランス脂肪酸の使用中止へ。 米ケンタッキーフライドチキンは今春(2007年)から「トランス脂肪酸を含む調理油の使用を中止する」。 ニューヨーク市の保健委員会は、とりすぎると心臓病の原因になるとされるトランス脂肪酸を市内の飲食店から締め出す同市の計画を全会一致で承認。 米国の半数の店舗でトランス脂肪酸の使用を中止。 米マクドナルドなども民間団体などから批判を受け、トランス脂肪酸使用量を減らす努力を...等々、日本でもようやく 米国系のファストフードチェーンがトランス脂肪酸の少ない油に切り替えたり、子供たちの食育を勧める点から学校給食などでトランス脂肪酸を制限する動きがみられます。しかしすでに数年前から、デンマーク、カナダ、ドイツ(マーガリン全面禁止)、米国の一部のレストランなど欧米諸国においてトランス脂肪酸の表示義務や制限があったのも事実です。
ハーバード公衆衛生学校の栄養学部長は、「この百年で食品業界が行ってきたこと、その中でも最悪なのはトランス型脂肪酸を我々の食習慣に根付かせてしまったことだろう」と述べております。詳しくは イーガー エキストラ バージン オリーブ オイル スプレッドHP の 「Trans Fat Free トランス型脂肪酸」をご覧下さい。
1)心臓疾患のリスクを高める 2)免疫機能の低下 3)発ガンのリスクを高める 4)痴呆の引き金になる
Eger Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spread -世界初!! シャウル・イーガー博士が開発したスプレッド状のオリーブオイル-は、体に有害なトランス型脂肪酸を一切含まない 100%ナチュラルのオリーブオイルです。
ドクター・イーガーは「飽和脂肪酸を摂取すると血圧が上がり、不飽和脂肪酸を摂取すると血圧が下がるという事実に、私たちはストレートに注目する必要がある」といいます。とくに「地中海沿岸域では、ほかの西欧諸国に比べて心臓欠陥秒病と高血圧が極端に少ない」のは、「オリーブオイルを大量に摂取しているからだ」と。「主成分である一価不飽和脂肪酸の血圧降下作用が注目され、オリーブオイルの評価はさらに高まった」と七カ国調査後明らかになったと述べています。そしてその他の調査結果(省略)からも、「一価不飽和脂肪酸の摂取量が増えれば血圧は低下する」という事実を突き止めたのです。つまり、「オリーブオイルを摂取することで血圧が下がる」ということが一般に理解されはじめてきたのです。 引用 『子どもを守る! オリーブオイルの伝道師 ようこそイーガーさん』 柄長葉之輔 著 178-179頁
「非インスリン依存型糖尿病における食事と運動の協調会議」で、「総エネルギー量の三三パーセントを一価不飽和脂肪酸に富むオリーブオイルから摂取する食事療法を行なった結果、血中トリグリセリド値が低下し、善玉のHDLコレステロール値が上昇したことが確認された。」 そして血糖値は、「いままでの食事療法による場合の降下と変わりがなかった。」 このテストの結果から、同会議では、「糖尿病患者はその食生活でオリーブオイルの摂取比率を上げるべきではないか」と結論づけています。
☆Eger Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spread (イーガー エキストラ バージン オリーブオイル) の4つの素晴らしさ
Extra Virgin Olive Oil を使った100%ナチュラル世界初のスプレッドです。
通常FFA酸価度3.3%までが食用とされ、Extra Virgin Olive Oilは1%と言われてい ますが、Eger Extra Virgin Olive Spreadは0.6%から0.5%のExtra Virgin Olive Oilからでしか作っていません。
4)トランス型脂肪酸が全く含まれていません(NO TRANS ISOMER FATTY ACID)
マーガリン、化学処理したサラダオイル、品質の良くないオリーブオイルには、発癌性の有るトランス型脂肪酸が存在し、欧米では近年、厳しく警告が発せられています。Eger Extra Virgin Olive Oilにはトランス型脂肪酸は全く存在していません。
☆Eger Extra Virgin Olive Oil Spread クッキングコンテスト 2007 ☆駐日ギリシャ大使館 ギリシャ政府観光局 後援 主催:株式会社ボレイ ☆優勝賞品 ギリシャ旅行(ペア航空券)
・Olive oil-From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
・International Olive Oil Council (IOOC)- Working for olive for fifty years
体に有害なトランス型脂肪酸を一切含まない ギリシャ産 イーガー エキストラバージン オリーブオイル スプレッドは「食育」と「食の安全」と皆様の「健康」を守ることをミッションとしています。イーガー エキストラ バージン オリーブオイル スプレッドは 100%ナチュラルです! 赤ちゃんが毎日食べても安心です。塩分、砂糖、水分さえ含まれていない自然素材100%の「食育」を考慮し「食の安全」を極めたそのような食品をボレイ社はオリーブファンに提供しております。
Copyright© Shouzou Tahara
About the Author: ( 文責 田原 正三 Shouzou Tahara )
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Tuesday, January 23, 2007
SLOVENIA-Best Beautiful Place for travelers in the world!
-Zarko Petan(Slovenian Author), Aphorism

Bred Lake, a beautiful place in the northern part of Slovenia
* * *
Stella and I sat on a stone under a low-hanging bough of a great hemlock at the clearing's edge and watched the lake below slip into shadow. Then we heard the sound of hurrying hob-nailed boots on the steep, gravelly Triglav trail ... and a moment later a boy and a girl bounded into the refulgent shimmer and stopped short at the convergence of trails, where the knoll was highest and the view best.
Facing the lake and the sun, which put a rutilant sheen on their skin, they stood on that spot for possibly ten seconds without moving or saying a word. Then they abruptly faced each other and smiled strangely as though with a private understanding. And thus they remained for another few seconds.
They were watching the setting sun's trembling light on each other's faces. Then the instant before shadow engulfed the knoll with the rest of the mountainside, the girl rose quickly, eagerly on her toes and the boy bent down a little and pressed his cheek briefly against hers.
I have never witnessed a more appealing scene or one more filled with drama. For a moment, rising on the tiniest ripple in the time-stream, the boy and the girl were the core of all meaning, the sudden and significant center of everything that lived and mattered.
*Louis Adamic, 'Love in Slovenia' in MY NATIVE LAND, New York and London:Harper&Brothers,1943,pp.3-4
You can read in Japanese translated by Shouzou Tahara-the downloadable ebook site:電子ブックの広場「理想書店」
Ebook title:「南スラブ人の心と情」
・My website: Independent Slovenia
・Welcome to Slovenia
・Slovenia - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia-
・Republika Slovenija
・Your Official Travel Guide to Slovenia by Slovenian Tourist Board
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
Saturday, January 20, 2007

英語版翻訳 ルイス・アダミック(作家・ジャーナリスト・国際人権擁護委員会準委員)
日本語版翻訳 田原正三
日本語版解説・論文 国際的評価の高いヘンリーA・クリスチャン博士。
序文 ルイス・アダミック
抗議文 ベオグラード政府の政治犯に対する抗議文、
署名 〔米作家・ジャーナリスト・出版人・大学教員等48名〕
― 国際人権擁護委員会代表 ロジャー・N・ボードウィン
本文 苦 闘
解説 ヘンリーA・クリスチャン(ラトガーズ大学)
“Adamic’s Struggle :The International History of a‘Radical’pamphlet”
by Dr. Henry A Chritian
「苦闘」(STRUGGLE)のebookは 「理想書店」で読むことができます
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Thursday, January 11, 2007
The Best Ebook for the Japanese Americans,the Nisei,Roots...
By Louis Adamic
Mr.Omura, the editor of this magazine, asks me to write for him a brief article or editorial. I can do no better than quote the hero of my story "A young American With a Japanese Face" in my last books. -L Adamic
" I spent my Easter vacation in 1938 trying to write an essay on the Oriental Americans. I held that the first thing for us to do was to realize that our situation, while difficult, was perfectly natural; in fact inevitable.
I saw it this way: we are of the most recent immigration, and so still in the acute stage of adjustment to the country, as the country is, in turn, in that stage in relation to us. We have our problem, to be sure; but what can we expect?
We are marginal people, but more important than that fact is the need for us to see that we are that naturally.
To cease being marginal, we must proceed from this realization, the only point from which we proceed. We must look both within and outside ourselves, especially for the good and weak things within us. We must start working against our disadvantages . . . . which, to repeat, are perfectly normal: but their being normal does not mean we need to put up with them.
In America it means the exact opposite. It means we must try to overcome them. If we try, we will do something.
We must prove ourselves. All the people, group and individuals, who came here had to prove themselves. We must stand up and face the situation, and not withdraw from it and lie down, or sneak around it with various dodges. … "
( Current Life Jan1941)
Translation:Shouzou Tahara(Japan)
Intoduction: Prof.Henry A.Christian
翻訳 田原正三
解説 ヘンリーA クリスチャン
You can download from here: 『日本人の顔をした若いアメリカ人』
アメリカ人として生まれ、アメリカ人として育ち、教育を受けた「ぼく」は、ある日突然、自分の体内に東洋の血が流れていることに気づかされた。英語を話すジャパニーズ、父の心が解せないアメリカ人の「ぼく」は、いったい何者なのか!? 引き裂かれた心と肉体をひきずった「ぼく」は、どこからも受容されず排除される存在、異端者/ストレンジャーとして、ただただ 1930 年代の流れゆくアメリカを彷徨するばかりだった。
若いアメリカ日系二世の心の葛藤をあますところなく記録し、この巨大なアメリカ社会の中で共に生きる未来を発見しようとした旧ユーゴスラヴィア出身の移民作家、「30 年代アメリカ文学界の騎手」のひとりでもあったルイス・アダミックによる傑作。原題『A YOUNG AMERICAN WITH A JAPANESE FACE,1940』の翻訳版です。大河ドラマにもなった山崎豊子『二つの祖国』の原点ともいえる作品です。
*Ethnic group! From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Best Ebook for the Japanese Americans,the Nisei,Roots...
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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The LAST SAMURAI Beast for the 'biological diversity'

The LAST SAMURAI Beast for the 'biological diversity'(biodiversity)
Man is a great creative power, but he/she/shehe/heshe can not learn the biological diversity from us. We learn it from the weed, Y-es WEED! So YOU, Back to the Nature!
But We don't have the knowledge the word about 'biological diversity'.
Just our big vacant eyes observe the Land grow
and pay attention to the viorent action of the Human being.
ALAS! however, we can't speak about it!
In Japan, they say the Samurai(warrior) like us don't speak so much!
Our Buddy who loves the diversity would always say "the samurai never tells a lies ."
And as Spring came, our buddy say with his closed eyes,
"The cherry blossoms among flowers, the samurai among men."
OHH NOO!! We want to Live along with OUR EARTH!-Yes Not Yours!
The WEED agreed without a word.
環境省 生物多様性センター
Scott Nearing- A Forerunner of the "Back to the Land"!
The LAST SAMURAI Beast for the 'biological diversity'
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Saturday, January 06, 2007
World Government and an American Immigrant author L Adamic
多民族国家オーストリア・ハンガリー帝国(のちのユーゴスラヴィア王国/ユーゴスラヴィア社会主義連邦、その後スロヴェニア共和国)に生まれたL・アダミックにとって、多民族共存、共生、政治的、文化的多様性なる思想はむしろ必然のものでした。1930年代半ばから40年代にかけて、彼は東欧(バルカン)連邦やヨーロッパ合州国(EU連合)を提案したり、国連の改革を提言したりしていましたが、以下は「世界政府(World Government)」の一例です。20世紀は「戦争」「国家(主義・イデオロギー)」の時代でした。21世紀は「環境」「人権」そして「多様性」(あらゆる意味で)のボーダレスな時代であろうと私は思いますが、この「核」の時代にあって、今日ほど「国連」の改革 -「世界政府(World Government)への道」- が必要な時代はないでしょう。この辺りのことについて、私のホームページで少し「世界を震撼させた米同時多発テロとその後の世界」に記してありますので、ご関心がある方は合わせて読んでいたただけたら幸いです。
★妻ステーラからルイス・アダミックへの手紙ステーラはアダミックの執筆・プロジェクトのよき理解者であり協力者でした。アダミック自身も書いているように、彼女の物心両面の支援なくしては初期の重要な作品『ダイナマイト』も『ジャングルの中の笑い 』も存在しませんでした。
以下は「世界政府(world government)」についてです。
☆From Stella to Louis AdamicDear Louis: Jan.14’49
In the course of correspondence with Henry Wallace,I ventured to tell him that some of his good followers were a bit worried by the rumors that he might give the world federation or world government movement a degree of support with which we would not agree.He replied promptly,saying he was ‘so glad’I had raised the subject.Here are excerpts from his letter of January 10th:
‘…under no circumstances would I be active in any organization designed to isolate eastern Europe and China from the rest of the world.I agree completely and whole-heartedly with you that any plan to organize and federate the ‘Capitalist world’ would only bring war and universal destruction.Personally I can stand for no World government or World Federation unless both the United States and the USSR are members.But I do say that the ultimate objective is such agreement between the United States and the USSR that both will be willing to see the U.N.or the World Government equipped with an armed might greater than both of them combined. There is no reason why there should not a peaceful co-existence of the Communist states and the Capitalistic states in one world.I would hope and plan for World Government but I would know that such hopes and plans are utterly futile unless and until there is complete understanding between the United States and Russia.
The idea of imposing world government on Russia first by isolation,second by economic pressure,and third by world government,is utterly fantastic.I shall not fall into that trap.’
Tine Kurent, “PISMA LOUISA ADAMICA NECAKU TINETU” (Letters by Louis Adamic to his nephew Tine) ,Dve domovini/Two Homelands-9-1998,27-53:Centre of Scientific Research of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts The Institute for Slovene Emigration Research;
The future, ours and the world's, is in unity within diversity.Melting Pot is a poor phrase and concept. It means everybody is to be turned into something else with heart. The future, ours and the world's, is in unity within diversity. Our various backgrounds are important and valuable, but, in the long run, not in themselves, not as something perfect and final. They are important and valuable only as material for our future American culture. As I say, we have a chance to create a universal, a pan-human culture, more satisfying than anything humanity has as yet devised or experienced. The American Dream is a lovely thing, but to keep it alive, to keep it from turning onto a Nightmare, every once in while we've got to wake up.
From Many Land,1940 p.301 - L Adamic
A Free World State…
I am for a free Jewish homeland in Palestine which is not anything exclusive and separate but a part of a world organized upon the basis of an intense consciousness of all people's interdependence and also for a free Slovenia, a free Croatia, and a free Serbia in a free Balkan or southeast-European confederation in a free United Europe, which is part of a free World State.
-The New Palestine,November28,1942- L Adamic
“I am not born for one corner; the whole world is my native land.
-- Seneca The Stoic (First Century)”
My Native Land (1943) by Louis Adamic
Immigrant Ebook(移民 電子ブック) for World Diversity!!
Title 世界政府と移民作家ルイス・アダミックへの手紙
Copyright © Shouzou Tahara
Immigrant Ebook(移民 電子ブック)for World Diversity: http://immigrantebook.blogspot.com/
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Wednesday, January 03, 2007
The EU A Slovene-American Immigrant authour forsaw
"EU" and Louis Adamic
(Public lecture in NewYork 1941)
On November 8, 1941, at the Hotel Pierre in New York City, Adamic spoke to 600 members of New York Branch of the American Association of University Women. His topic consisted of part f his ARM (The American Reconstruction Mission) concept; but as I have noted about all of the Two-Way Passage idea, in America Adamic's idea got shoved off to the Left. But here is the New York Times report of Adamic's remarks: "Louis Adamic, author, presenting his idea for the reconstruction of Europe, proposed that there be organized in this country twenty-odd provisional government ... to be made into federated parts of a continental European State.
"Women Scholars Active in Wartime", New York Times. 9 November, 1941.
"Literature, Culture and Ethnicity-Studies on Medieval, Renaissance and Modern Literatures" by Dr.Henry A.Christian 1993
"On the eve of Bulgarian and Romanian accession to the European Union,
Vice-President Franco Frattini, Commissioner responsible for Justice,
Freedom and Security made the following statement:
Finally, I am convinced that Bulgaria and Romania are amongst those
Member States acknowledging the need to improve decision making process
in the area of freedom, security and justice and supporting efforts to
achieving precisely that." Europa EU Press Room
European Union From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No Border, No more War but...
- イヴァン(スロヴェニア・ビート詩人)1993年 -
Back to IMMIGRANT EBOOK (移民 電子ブック) for World Diversity
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara http://immigrantebook.blogspot.com/
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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