Time Flow by KAJETAN KOVIC of Slovenian Poet
Days flash by
As on a film strip,
At abnormal speed,
So that your speech
Hardly catches up with
Its quick sequences:
Morning, noon, night,
Morning, noon, night,
All the images are connected by
Verbs of motion,
As if you were looking out of the window
Of an express train
At the fleeting landscape,
Where flocks,
Barely visible in the distance,
Pass inexorably
Into oblivion.
Boats have been drifting with the stream
For a long time now,
And the ships
That once anchored
Now turn outward
Away from the coast,
Into the open sea,
Under grey stars,
Towards the last horizon.
Shadows linger on deck,
The voiceless crew,
The passengers with baggage,
Without property,
Without dowry,
So that in the dark water of the ocean
They may feed the fish.
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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20世紀 移民のアメリカとJ・B・チトーのユーゴスラヴィアを代表する著名な作家、改革者、そしてスポークスマンでもあるルイス・アダミックは、1930年代初頭からその死の1951年まで、文化的、政治的に重要な人物でした。1969年末から70年代にかけて、アダミックは、アメリカにおいて、エスニック・リバイバルの主要な先駆者として、また、ユーゴスラヴィアにおいては、新連邦共和国を代表する海外からの強力な唱道者として、熱烈な歓迎を受けました。そして、歿後30周年を記念して、米国とユーゴ両国で国際会議・シンポジウムが開かれ、また、ユーゴ崩壊後も、生誕百周年を記念して、祖国スロヴェニアで歴史・文化面において貢献した重要な人物として高い評価を受け、それによって「記念切手」となり、さらに新しい発見、研究が続けられています。
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Sunday, March 25, 2007
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 1, Louis Adamic

Odyssey of an Immigrant American, Louis Adamic
After Nineteen Years (1)
-Home Again from America-
Early IN THE SPRING OF 1932, WHEN I RECEIVED A Guggenheim Fellowship requiring me to go to Europe for a year, I was thirty-three and had been in the United States nineteen years. A fourteen-a son of peasants, with a touch of formal "city education"-I had emigrated to the United States from Carniola, then a tiny Slovene province of Austria, now an even tinier part of a banovina in the new Yugoslav state.
In those nineteen years I had become an American; indeed, I had often thought I was more American than were ceaselessly, almost fanatically, interested in the American scene; in idea and forces operating in America's national life, in movements, tendencies and personalities, in technical advances, in social, economic, and political problems, and generally in the tremendous drama of the New World.
Events and things outside of America interested me but incidentally: only in so far as they were related to, or as they affected, the United States. I spoke, wrote, and read only in English. For sixteen years I had had practically no close contact with immigrants of my native nationality. After the war I had roamed over a good half of the United States and had been to Hawaii, Philippines, Central and South America. In the last few years I had become an American writer, writing on American subjects for American readers. And I had married an American girl.
To Stella I had told but a few main facts about my childhood and early boyhood in the old country; and what little I had told her of my parents, and village and house in which I was born, had seemed to her "like a story. "She scarcely believed me. To her I was an American from toes to scalp.
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 2, Louis Adamic
Copyright(c) Shouzou Tahara
Odyssey of an Immigrant American 5, Louis Adamic
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Monday, March 19, 2007
Louis Adamic by my friend Tine Kurent - S Tahara(Japan)

Louis Adamic (1898-1951)
One hundred years ago,on 23 March 1898,a third child was born to peasant parents at Praproce Castle near Grosuplje of Slovenia.Lojz received his education in Grosuplje and Ljubljana.It was a time of student demostrations.The Austrian army shot Rudolf Lunder and Ivan Adamic,his relative.When Lojz was expelled from school at the age of fifteen,he emigrated to the United States of America.He started as a worker at the newspaper Glas naroda(The Voice of People) and soon rose to be a reporter.He spent World War I as a volunteer in the American army in Europe.After the war he traveled around the United States of America and the Far East.He attracted a lot of public attention with his book Dynamite(1931) which is still considered to be a textbook of the class fights in the USA.The next year he published the book Laughing in the Jungle and was a awarded a Guggenheim prize for it.Thus Louis Adamic won recognition in the USA as a writer,editor,translator and a versatile politically engaged and publicly active person.His work,writing about the problems of the time in America and in Slovenia, and particularly his support of the Yugoslav partisan movement brought him many new friends and dangerous opponents.
He returned to his old homeland twice.In 1932 Adamic became acquainted with the writers and progressive movement in Slovenia and proceeded against King Alexander's dictatorial regime with his book The Native's Return.The book was prohibited in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia immediately after its publication in 1934.During World WarⅡhe interceded as the honorary president of the Slovene-American National council(SANS) with the American administration and President Roosevelt for the Slovene National Liberation Struggle.After the war in 1949,he visited his homeland again.This time to find out more about the reality of the new Socialist republic of Yugoslavia.The fruit of his research work was a book The Eagle and Roots. It was because of this book that he was most likely shot by his enemies on 4 September 1951.The book was published in the USA posthumously in 1952.In the Slovene language,the book entitled Ore in korenine in the Slovene translation appeared only in 1970,eighteen years after the publication of the English original.Adamic's objective writing did not suit purposes of authority expecting praises.
His work has been translated into several other languages.The centenary of his birth will be commemorated by the publication of three Adamic's books in the Japanese languages.Laughing in the Jungle,Lucas King of balucas and Struggle(1935).The French translation of Laughing in the Jungle(Le rire dans la jungle) is still waiting for a publisher.
By Dr.Tine Kurent
From Prof.Tine Kurent
October 15,1999
Dear Shozo, thank you for the information that you are preparing a party in honor of your translations-with the Commemoration of the Centenary of Birth of Louis Adamic at the beginning of November.
Louis Adamic was born one century ago in Slovenia. As a young boy, he emigrated to the USA. He started as a worker and rose to be an internationally known Slovenian immigrant writer who had popularized the concept of America as a Nation of Nations, which led the way to the official Congressional definition of America as a pluralistic society, in 1972.Before that, the America elite, known as WASP, that is White Anglo-Saxon Protestant, regarded immigrants from other countries of Europe and Asia as second class citizens. The theory of America as a "Melting Pot" was intended to "Americanize" only the white newcomers but not the colored, native Indians, Afro-Americans, Mexicans, immigrants from Asia, China, Phillippines and Japan. Adamic knew the oppression, germanization and italianization in his native country and opposed with his writing the social injustice, ethnic tensions and racial discrimination in the USA.
The Harvard Encyclopedia of America Ethnic Groups stars its Introduction with the statement that
"During the Great Depression of the 1930s, Louis Adamic, a popular writer and journalist, conceived of a project that he believed 'would excite all America about herself.' A' great Encyclopedia of the Population of the United States, from the Indians down to the latest immigrant group, 'would demonstrate 'in as great detail as possible, of what sort of human stuff America is made.' Such work, he wrote, 'might very well revolutionize American writing and affect all thinking about the United States. 'It' would be invaluable to thousands of...school principals and teachers...and librarians and social workers. In would appeal not only to New Americans and their immigrant parents...but to America as a whole'(My America,1938).
"Adamic himself had emigrated from Slovenia (then a province of Austro-Hungary, later part of Yugoslavia, now the sovereign state Republic of Slovenia) at the age of fourteen, and throughout his life displayed intense interest in the origins of the American people. But, unfortunately, he could not raise the funds he needed from the Federal Emergency Relief Administration and had to give up the idea of the encyclopedia.
"Forty years later, this project was well under way when the editors saw a copy of the Adamic proposal. We were intrigued by what Adamic had wanted to undertake. He had envisaged a work of five to twenty-five volumes, a huge budget, and a staff of hundreds. The enterprise of which this volume is a product was modest in comparison. However, it processed on the basis of the article of faith with which he concluded:' But eventually, I think, this job will have to be done-somehow.'
Dear Shozo, you are continuing the work envisaged by Adamic. You have been the first in Japan to understand the work envisaged by Adamic. With your translations, notably his The Native's Return, From Many Lands, A Young American with a Japanese Face-to name but a few-you are introducing Adamic, his ideas and his native Slovenia to the Japanese readers.
Good luck!
Shouzou Tahara
from Japan
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
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Monday, March 05, 2007
これまでブログ-Immigrant Ebook (移民 電子ブック) for World Diversityに掲載したタイトルです。by Shouzou Tahara
「Best Ethnic Literature by Louis damic」 07/02/25
「The Epic of Kossovo - コソヴォの叙事詩」 07/02/12
(Kossovo コソボの叙事詩 翻訳 ユーゴスラヴィア 旅行記 セルビア)
「G ブッシュとイラン攻撃、戦争リサイクルビジネス」 07/02/11
(ブッシュ イラン攻撃 戦争 ブレア首相 マッチポンプビジネス)
「ニューウエイズ・シズル創業者トム・マウアー氏の革命的な製品開発」 07/02/07
「Dictatorship and Human Rights-独裁政権に抗議署名する全米の著名な作家・ジャーナリスト・大学教員等...」 07/02/04
「Japanese American and Louis Adamic - 少数民族の人権擁護」 07/02/01
「S Nearing's "Black America" and Luther King's "I have a dream"」 07/01/24
「トランス型脂肪酸を含まないイーガーオリーブオイルは食育、食の安全、健康 が使命です!」
(イーガー エキストラバージン オリーブオイル, ギリシャ産, トランス型脂肪酸, 世界初スプレッド, 食の安全, 食育) 07/01/24
「SLOVENIA-Best Beautiful Place for travelers in the World...」 07/01/23
(Bred Lake, Louis Adamic, slovenia, tourist)
「電子ブック-国際人権作家による独裁政権下の古典「苦闘STRUGGLE」 07/01/20
(ebook, Japanese, Louis Adamic, STRUGGLE, translation, yugoslavia)
「The Best Ebook for the Japanese Americans,the Nise...」 07/01/11
「The LAST SAMURAI Beast for the 'biological diversi...」 07/01/11
「World Government and an American Immigrant author ...」 07/01/06
「The EU A Slovene-American Immigrant authour forsaw...」 07/01/03
「Felic^an novjaron! A Happy New Year! 新年好 Shana to...」 06/12/30
「Immigrant keywords:Laughing in the Jungle by L Ada...」 06/12/28
「Plymoth Rock and Ellis Island-trans:Shouzou Tahara...」 06/12/23
「Neways Founder,Tom Mower's SISEL MLM Starts Neways Sisel」 06/12/20
(Tom Mower シズル登録法 プレオープン sisel international)
「We Are The World (USA for Africa) --- 歌詞 訳詞 Japan...」 06/12/18
「スロヴェニア児童文学古典-マルティン・クルパン KURPAN」 06/12/15
「移民の帰郷物語-故国スロヴェニアに帰りて」 06/12/13
「南スラブ人のハーツ・アンド・マインド物語を読む」 06/12/11
「American Immigrant Literature-世界の移民文学の傑作を読む」 06/12/08
「拝金主義時代に学ぶスラブ農民の豊かな「心の文化」 」 06/12/07
「Japanese American and Two Homelands-日系アメリカ人と二つの祖国」 06/12/07
「Ebook-Best Seller in USA by Immigrant Author」 06/11/26
「You've Got A Friend by Ofra Haza - Japanese version...」 06/11/22
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara http://immigrantebook.blogspot.com/
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
●TOP「Louis Adamic in Japan」 スポンサーバナー広告募集
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●「電子書籍ebook (ebook_global) on Twitter」
「Best Ethnic Literature by Louis damic」 07/02/25
「The Epic of Kossovo - コソヴォの叙事詩」 07/02/12
(Kossovo コソボの叙事詩 翻訳 ユーゴスラヴィア 旅行記 セルビア)
「G ブッシュとイラン攻撃、戦争リサイクルビジネス」 07/02/11
(ブッシュ イラン攻撃 戦争 ブレア首相 マッチポンプビジネス)
「ニューウエイズ・シズル創業者トム・マウアー氏の革命的な製品開発」 07/02/07
「Dictatorship and Human Rights-独裁政権に抗議署名する全米の著名な作家・ジャーナリスト・大学教員等...」 07/02/04
「Japanese American and Louis Adamic - 少数民族の人権擁護」 07/02/01
「S Nearing's "Black America" and Luther King's "I have a dream"」 07/01/24
「トランス型脂肪酸を含まないイーガーオリーブオイルは食育、食の安全、健康 が使命です!」
(イーガー エキストラバージン オリーブオイル, ギリシャ産, トランス型脂肪酸, 世界初スプレッド, 食の安全, 食育) 07/01/24
「SLOVENIA-Best Beautiful Place for travelers in the World...」 07/01/23
(Bred Lake, Louis Adamic, slovenia, tourist)
「電子ブック-国際人権作家による独裁政権下の古典「苦闘STRUGGLE」 07/01/20
(ebook, Japanese, Louis Adamic, STRUGGLE, translation, yugoslavia)
「The Best Ebook for the Japanese Americans,the Nise...」 07/01/11
「The LAST SAMURAI Beast for the 'biological diversi...」 07/01/11
「World Government and an American Immigrant author ...」 07/01/06
「The EU A Slovene-American Immigrant authour forsaw...」 07/01/03
「Felic^an novjaron! A Happy New Year! 新年好 Shana to...」 06/12/30
「Immigrant keywords:Laughing in the Jungle by L Ada...」 06/12/28
「Plymoth Rock and Ellis Island-trans:Shouzou Tahara...」 06/12/23
「Neways Founder,Tom Mower's SISEL MLM Starts Neways Sisel」 06/12/20
(Tom Mower シズル登録法 プレオープン sisel international)
「We Are The World (USA for Africa) --- 歌詞 訳詞 Japan...」 06/12/18
「スロヴェニア児童文学古典-マルティン・クルパン KURPAN」 06/12/15
「移民の帰郷物語-故国スロヴェニアに帰りて」 06/12/13
「南スラブ人のハーツ・アンド・マインド物語を読む」 06/12/11
「American Immigrant Literature-世界の移民文学の傑作を読む」 06/12/08
「拝金主義時代に学ぶスラブ農民の豊かな「心の文化」 」 06/12/07
「Japanese American and Two Homelands-日系アメリカ人と二つの祖国」 06/12/07
「Ebook-Best Seller in USA by Immigrant Author」 06/11/26
「You've Got A Friend by Ofra Haza - Japanese version...」 06/11/22
Copyright c Shouzou Tahara http://immigrantebook.blogspot.com/
An Immigrant America(1) by Louis Adamic
About the Author:Shouzou Tahara
◆電子書籍販売サイト:制限時間2分、立ち読み可(無料)。大手出版社も採用しているT-Time形式 ダウンロード版「ルイス・アダミック作品集」
●TOP「Louis Adamic in Japan」 スポンサーバナー広告募集
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