Stock Video # 224-390-548 – Immigration / USA / 1930-1949 LOUIS ADAMIC
future, ours and the world's,
in unity within diversity.
"...Melting Pot is a poor phrase and
concept. It means everybody is to be turned into something else with heart. The
future, ours and the world's, is in unity within diversity. Our various
backgrounds are important and valuable, but, in the long run, not in
themselves, not as something perfect and final. They are important and valuable
only as material for our future American culture. As I say, we have a chance to
create a universal, a pan-human culture, more satisfying than anything humanity
has as yet devised or experienced. The American Dream is a lovely thing, but to
keep it alive, to keep it from turning onto a Nightmare, every once in while
we've got to wake up.
From Many Land,1940
p.301 - L Adamic
Common Council for
American Unity